Antic - Aphrodisiac

Antic - Aphrodisiac

So there is the potential that at least for men, oysters may help sexual arousal. Perhaps when eaten in the quantities claimed by Casanova – up to five dozen a day – there would be a noticeable effect.
More aphrodisiacs.

The aromas of ginger, cayenne pepper and garlic are also known to stimulate the arousal centres in the brain, and garlic's anti-clotting properties might also affect libido by increasing blood flow to the brain and sex organs, Hourigan says.

Jocularity - Aphrodisiac

Jocularity - Aphrodisiac

And it's not just a question of how the command to "Brace yourself, Bridget" progressed to the perhaps more sophisticated invitation "Will you come into the field, Bridie?" posed in William Trevor's The Ballroom of Romance.

The stated reasons for the no-cash-no-pill policy are financial. But the effect is to remind many impotent men that on the measures which seem to most reflect a man's sense of identity - sexual prowess and economic value - they are doubly so.

Humour - Aphrodisiac

Humour - Aphrodisiac

Some time later the Doctor called to check on their progress and their son answered the phone. When asked how everyone was doing, the boy replied, "Mom's dead, Sis is pregnant, my ass hurts, and Dad's outside yelling 'Here, kitty, kitty!'"

Hourigan says oysters are extremely high in zinc, which is important in raising testosterone levels in men (although it's unlikely any testosterone-raising effect would be immediate).

Farce - Aphrodisiac

Farce - Aphrodisiac

If you’ve ever seen the “Ambergris” episode of Bob’s Burgers, you know that it is a truly strange substance. Secreted by a sperm whale, it is used both as a food and as an ingredient in some luxury perfumes. Casanova apparently used ambergris-infused perfume to make the ladies swoon, and it has a history in the Middle East of being consumed to increase a man’s virility. One royal family in that region reportedly combines ambergris with milk and honey to create the passion-inducing dish. It is banned in the United States because of the endangered status of the sperm whale, but other countries still buy and sell it. Depending on the size of the ambergris, it can be worth tens of thousands of dollars.

Jocundity - Aphrodisiac

Jocundity - Aphrodisiac

Upon seeing his enemy descend upon him, the Irishman looked heavenward and repeated the object of his quest in his thick accent: "Whale oil. Beef, hooked."

And she says to him,
"I've just walked by the dolphin tank,
And they're feeling very amorous -
They're doing all sort of things to each other.
And the trouble is in less than an hour,
We've got three busloads of second gr...

Quiz - Aphrodisiac

Quiz - Aphrodisiac

An Irish Whaler (Long)
There was once an Irish whaler. Like Ahab, he had a particular nemesis whom he had hunted most of his life. Old and gnarled, he declared one more quest to vanquish his foe before descending into his Mother Earth.

Jape - Aphrodisiac

Jape - Aphrodisiac

There’s nothing like a near-death experience to get you and your partner in the mood. Handled improperly, fugu (or blowfish) has enough tetrodotoxin to poison you 30 times over! Many people have died from eating fugu, but if prepared the right way, it leaves adventurous eaters with a tingling sensation that is said to be one of the reasons it increases libido. You can safely help yourself to fugu in Japan, as long as the chef who prepares it has the special license and technique to handle it properly.

Game - Aphrodisiac

Game - Aphrodisiac

Also prized was its meat. When butchered a specific way with a gaff (a hook like instrument used to retrieve items or fish), this "beef" was perfectly marbled and produced an aphrodisiac effect, being easily the most prized meat in the world.

A chemist tried to impress his beautiful lab assistant...
He began my mixing two chemicals previously uncombined in hopes it would produce a strong aphrodisiac. Upon smelling the fumes, the assistant instantly vomited onto the chemist’s face.

Pleasantry - Aphrodisiac

Pleasantry - Aphrodisiac

Here are 10 unique aphrodisiacs that’ll have you cooking in the kitchen and blushing in the bedroom. After all, it is Couple Appreciation Month ...

Throughout history, people have used aniseed for a variety of ailments including a lagging libido. Just infuse a glass of water with some crushed seeds and your sex drive will increase. It also smells like licorice, so if you’re a Twizzlers or Red Vines fan you win on both counts!

Scream - Aphrodisiac

Scream - Aphrodisiac

In both Britain and Germany health ministers have enabled Viagra to maintain its marketing mystique by refusing to allow its prescription through their respective general medical services. Had they wished to perpetuate the mistaken belief that Viagra is an aphrodisiac, they could hardly have picked a more certain strategy.

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